Cyber Security

Breach Assessment

Breach Assessment: Uncovering Security Threats and Protecting Your Business

Cybersecurity incidents demand swift action. Our breach assessment service prioritizes two crucial steps: containing ongoing attacks and safeguarding critical assets. Our focus is on mitigating business risk – both during and after an attack. We achieve this by conducting a thorough forensic assessment to identify the root cause of the attack. These learnings are then applied to build a proactive cybersecurity posture, significantly reducing the likelihood of future attacks.

Benefits of a Breach Assessment

  • Identify Past or Ongoing Intrusions: We uncover any unauthorized access within your organization, whether recent or ongoing.
  • Pinpoint Vulnerabilities: Our assessment identifies weaknesses in your existing security architecture, network configurations, and security controls.
  • Enhanced Incident Response: By identifying vulnerabilities, we equip your team with the knowledge to respond effectively to future incidents.

Accel's Comprehensive Approach

Our breach assessment follows a meticulous approach, analysing various data sources to paint a complete picture of the situation.

Data Analysis: Network Traffic, Endpoints, and Security Logs

This initial step involves monitoring, capturing, and analysing data from your network, endpoints, and security logs for a predefined period (typically 48 hours).

Network Analysis: Deep Dive into Traffic Patterns

Leveraging network traffic analysis and packet capture tools, we monitor and capture network traffic for a set timeframe. This captured data is then meticulously analysed to detect suspicious activity and potential intruders.

Endpoint Analysis: Identifying Malware and Advanced Threats

We analyse existing data from your malware protection solutions to determine if any malware might be indicative of a sophisticated attack. Additionally, an Advanced Persistent Threat monitoring solution is deployed to conduct real-time analysis of any potential command-and-control traffic during the assessment.

Security Log Analysis: Unearthing Missed Patterns

By scrutinizing data from your existing SIEM, web proxy, IPS and other security solutions, we identify emerging patterns that your security team might have missed. This analysis also highlights gaps in your security architecture that may have allowed a breach to go undetected.

Identifying Compromised Systems: Uncovering the Breach Point

Based on the comprehensive data analysis, we pinpoint systems that may have been compromised, either recently or in the past. We then conduct a more detailed analysis of the malware and the attackers’ tactics used to infiltrate your network.

Analysing Attacker Activity: Evaluating Data Loss and Next Steps​

This assessment includes determining the extent of data compromised and the type of data accessed. Our team also advises on whether pursuing legal action is appropriate or if containment, impact assessment, and remediation efforts are the most effective course of action.

Detailed Reporting and Recommendations: A Roadmap to Enhanced Security​

Upon completion of the assessment, we provide a comprehensive report outlining our observations, identified security gaps, and specific recommendations for addressing them. These recommendations encompass technological controls at various levels, including endpoints, networks, perimeters, and applications. Additionally, process gaps are addressed if it’s determined that existing security mechanisms should have detected the attack. We also strive to quantify the extent of data loss, if possible.

By implementing the recommendations from our breach assessment, you can significantly strengthen your cybersecurity posture and dramatically reduce the risk of future attacks.


What is a Breach Assessment?

A breach assessment is a systematic process designed to evaluate your organisation’s security posture and identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. It helps you understand the likelihood of a breach occurring, the potential impact it could have, and the steps you can take to prevent it.

Why is a Breach Assessment Needed?

Cybercriminals are constantly developing new methods to infiltrate systems and steal data. A breach assessment helps you:

  • Proactive Approach: Identify and address weaknesses in your security posture before attackers can exploit them.
  • Reduced Risk: Mitigate the likelihood and potential impact of a data breach.
  • Compliance: Demonstrate your commitment to data security and meet regulatory requirements.
  • Improved Decision-Making: Gain valuable insights to inform strategic security investments.
When to Conduct a Breach Assessment

A breach assessment is a valuable tool at various stages:

  • Regular Intervals: Regular assessments ensure your security posture remains effective as your business and threats evolve.
  • Following Security Incidents: Identify underlying vulnerabilities to prevent future breaches.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: Evaluate the security posture of a potential partner.
  • New Technology Implementations: Assess potential security risks associated with new technologies.